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Login Aldi profile to keep track your order information. Sign in and put your address once, to avoid having to enter it every time you order a delivery. Also in account you can opt in or out of receiving marketing info concerning Aldi products & offers via email.

Note! In case you not opted in, Aldi will still reach out to you in relation to your orders or profile information by email.

Log in Aldi Account

Follow the login page - https://account.aldi.us/s/login/ to log into your Aldi Account.

  1. Provide a valid e-mail address you used to create your account.
  2. Type your passcode.
  3. Note! Use to see the passcode in the box and make sure it's spelled correctly.

  4. Press "Login".

How to Reset your Password

If you get the notification «Oops. Login failed. Your e-mail and passcode do not match or you may not be registered with this e-mail address. Please try again or reset your password», check your login details carefully, if the error repeats, it is better to reset your passcode, by doing this:

  1. Press «Forgot your password?» on the login page or «reset your password» in the error alert.
  2. Provide e-mail address in the field to get an email with instructions in the next couple of minutes and hit Reset my password.
  3. Check your inbox and use a unique link in the next 24 hours before it expires. For added security, the link can only be used once.
  4. Note! In case you do not see the email, check your junk folder.

  5. When you follow the link, a form opens, tap Reset Password under the message - «Let's get you set up with a new password».
  6. Then input your new passcode and press Confirm.

Note! Do not mention the one that has been used before. For security reasons, please do not reuse passwords.

After this you will see a message «Done! Your password has been successfully changed. For security reasons you have been logged out». Click Log Back in to go back to the Login page and sign in with new credentials.

How to Create an Aldi Account

To create my Aldi account you need:

  1. In your Browser go to https://account.aldi.us/s/login/ and press on Don't have an account? Register here!.
  2. Then fill in the registration form with the following information:
    • First/last name (as listed on your passport/driver's license).
    • Email address.
    • Phone number (10 digits without code +1).
    • Password.
  3. Note! Your passcode should be complex enough, 8 characters or more and contain a minimum of:
    - 1 small letter;
    - 1 capital letter;
    - 1 digit;
    - 1 special symbol (!@#$%^&*)

  4. Next it is imperative that you accept the Terms of Use by checking the appropriate mark.
  5. Note! Check the mark near «Sign up for marketing and promotional information». This field is not mandatory.

  6. Click on Create Account.

Last update: February 25th, 2025.